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메뉴The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of thought-action fusion affecting sexual fantasies of adult women, and to test the effect that causes anxiety and discomfort due to cognitive bias toward intrusive thought is applied equally in sexual fantasy, and to make sense of the possibility of causing shame, guilt, and to influence the formation of sexual attitude. For this purpose, data were collected from 154 women in their 30s and 40s living in the central region of South Korea, and correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed to verify the relative contribution of each variable. The results of this study were as follows: First, moral fusion was statistically positive correlated with the shame on sexual fantasy, negative correlation with sexual attitude, and frequency of sexual fantasy was statistically positive correlated with shame on sexual fantasy and guilt on sexual fantasy, and shame on sexual fantasy was positive correlated with guilt on sexual fantasies. Second, the meaningful predictive variable of the shame on sexual fantasy and guilt on sexual fantasy were moral fusion, and predictive variable of sexual attitude were likelihood fusion for other people. These results suggest that the higher the tendency of thought-action fusion, the more negative emotions such as shame and guilt by giving excessively importance and realism to sexual fantasy as in intrusive thoughts. In addition, it can be seen that the interaction of cognition and emotion contributed to the formation of a sexual attitude. This applied the concept of thought-action fusion, which was used only for obsessive-compulsive disorder, to a wider range. It is significant that it is the first study to empirically confirm how thought-action fusion's subordinate traits affect shame, guilt on sexual fantasy and sexual attitude. It is expected that reducing the level of thought-action fusion will be one of the effective intervention methods in the counseling and treatment of women who feel inappropriate guilty and shame about sexual fantasies that usually increase sexual satisfaction.
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