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메뉴Research on the current state of runaway adolescents has been conducted in Korea, but there is little research on the people’s perception of them. This study examined people’s perceptions about the cause, lifestyle and problem behavior of runaway adolescents, and compared them with the existing survey data of runaway adolescents. In addition, this study investigated gender differences in people’s perception of runaway adolescents, and compared them to the existing data to find any bias in people’s perception about male and female runaway adolescents. In study 1, people’s perceptions about prevalence, cause and lifestyle of runaway adolescents are examined. As a result, participants overestimated the prevalence rate of runaway adolescents. Also, there are significant discrepancy between perception and actual statistics with respect to places to stay and living expenses of runaway adolescents. In addition, we found notable difference in people’s perception about male and female runaway adolescents. In study 2, people’s perception about problem behavior such as drinking, theft and prostitution is examined. As a result, participants again overestimated prevalence of problem behavior than actual statistics. Moreover, depending on the type of problem behavior, people’s perception differed by gender of runaway adolescents.
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통계청 (2016.01.03.검색) 청소년 인구 및구성비