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메뉴This study examined perceptual accuracy, directional bias, and perceptual similarity bias in perceiving partner’s criticism and withdrawal communication among dating couples, applying Truth and Bias model (West & Kenny, 2011). In addition, the moderating effects of perceiver's withdrawal (in perception of partner’s criticism) and criticism (in perception of partner’s withdrawal), gender, and dating length were tested. Data collected from 197 dating couples were analyzed adopting Multi-level Modeling. For the Multi-level Modeling analysis, SPSS Mixed Modeling program was utilized. The results of this study were as follows. First, the perceptual accuracy in perceiving partner’s criticism and withdrawal were significant for both men and women. Second, regarding directional bias, there were positive biases in perceiving partner’s criticism for both men and women while there was positive bias in women’s perceiving partner’s withdrawal and not in men’s perception. Third, perceptual similarity bias in perceiving partner’s criticism and withdrawal were significant for both men and women, and women were higher in perceptual similarity bias than men. When perceiver’s withdrawal and criticism and dating length were included as moderators respectively, perceptual similarity bias were still significant for men, but not for women. Fourth, men’s criticism had moderating effects in men’s perceptual accuracy and perceptual similarity bias in perceiving partner’s withdrawal. Fifth, dating length decreased the positive bias in women’s perceiving partner’s withdrawal, but did not moderate perceptual accuracy and perceptual similarity bias. The results of this study were discussed and the theoretical implications, practical implications, limitation of this study and suggestions for further study were included.
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