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메뉴As the number of sexual violence victims rapidly increases in Korea, practitioners working for the victims are more exposed to victims’ trauma. As a result, practitioners are reported to suffer from secondary traumatic stress. However, there is a lack of nationwide representative study on the sexual violence support, and also there is little systematic study about various factors affecting their secondary traumatic stress. By analyzing the data of employee survey data of “Preliminary study on the expert training program of individualized support of treatment & recovery for sexual violence victims”(N=482) conducted for all the sexual assault support agencies nationwide, this exploratory study investigated socio-demographic, work-related, and training-related factors affecting secondary traumatic stress experienced by the practitioners. The results show that, higher level of job stress was associated with higher level of secondary traumatic stress among those providing counseling service as for the job-related factor. As for training-related factors, while there was no statistical relationship with educational training such as seminars and lectures, case studies and supervisions are statistically significantly associated with lower level of secondary traumatic stress. These findings suggest that services for reducing job stress and case-centered training are needed for counseling practitioners. Based on these findings, institional approaches are suggested for protecting practitioners working for sexual assault victims from secondary traumatic stress and for reducing secondary traumatic stress.
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