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메뉴This study attempts to realize and understand in depth on the issue of career path appealed by female college students, who are on the time of searching for their career path. In previous studies, narcissism is the ongoing major factor in the achievement-oriented culture of modern society. The narcissism classified into Overt narcissism and Covert narcissism according to its aspect and internalized shame as well as dysfuntional career thoughts like perfectionism were meaningful intervening variable related to career. This study was conducted with narrative research method to look into experience by college students with covert narcissism on the process of choosing career path as well as to understand the meaning of the experience. In the light of this, career counselling was conducted for three of college students. As a result of the narrative analysis, the participants of the study frequently talked about perfectionism, shame, and vague frustration when choosing career path. Especially, there were various themes such as ‘perfection’, ‘unstable goal’, ‘emptiness’, ‘seeking for recognition’, ‘anxiety about performance of inferiority’, ‘low self-esteem’. For them, career counseling is a process of overcoming optimal frustration, which means recognizing realistic self and supporting process of career decision to step forward. This study will be used as a basic data for deeper understanding of the cognitive and emotional aspects of covert narcissistic tendency in understanding the career problems of female college students.
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