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메뉴The purpose of this study is to explore middle - aged women who visited the counseling center with having main issue, graduating the marriage life. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with 6 participants (4 main participants, 2 assistant participants) residing in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. This study conducted qualitative analysis through phenomenological research methods. Based on the 26 common semantic units experienced by four participants in the main study, eight components and two key meanings were extracted. The results of this study are as follows: First, the psychological phenomena common to the participants' statements were those who did not want divorce but did not want to live together. The second is that despite the desire of 'freedom', it does not want 'liberty given' or 'freedom to win on its own'. The third participant was the 'most economically independent', 'I can not get money from my husband if I get divorced', and 'I have a sick child' because of the biggest reason to choose julong. Finally, all participants thought that 'graduating the marriage life' was actually 'impossible'. The significance of this study is that it provided the information necessary for counseling intervention to the counselors who consulted them by understanding the phenomenon of thought and psychological nature of middle - aged women who wanted to graduating on the marriage life.
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