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메뉴The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between emotional labor(surface acting, deep acting) and turnover intention, focusing on a mediating effect of job attitude(burnout, work engagement). In addition, the moderating role of gender is tested within the relationship between burnout and turnover intention. A total of 287 employees working at different fields in Korea participated in an on-line survey. The results indicated that emotional labor had influence on job attitude. Specifically, surface acting was correlated positively with burnout and negatively with work engagement, while deep acting was correlated negatively with burnout and positively with work engagement. Burnout fully mediated the relationship between surface acting and turnover intention. Work engagement, on the other hand, did not predict turnover intention. Moreover, the moderating role of gender was significant. Gender showed the moderating effect on relationship between job attitude and turnover intention. Finally, the implications and future research directions were discussed.
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