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메뉴The present study aimed to develop group counseling program supporting work-family reconciliation for employed mothers and verify its efficacy. It conducted a survey of 230 employed mothers and constructed a preliminary program. After the preliminary program was demonstrated, the present program was organized into four sessions. To investigate the efficacy, working mothers participated in the experimental group and the control group, 23 and 19 respectively and the study examined if the program reduced their stress, improved mindfulness attention awareness, increased life satisfaction, and enhanced work-family reconciliation. First, the result showed that the stress of the employed mothers in the experimental group was not significantly decreased after they participated in the program, but their stress was reduced after two weeks. Second, their mindfulness attention awareness ability after the program did not reveal a significant difference but the score was increased after two weeks. Third, their life satisfaction was increased after the program and the score was higher than that of the control group. Fourth, for those who in the experimental group the score of work-family reconciliation was significantly increased, but it did not last after two weeks. However, it was significantly high compared to that of the control group. The present research has significance in that it provided the basic data to implement group counseling specialized for employed mothers and developed the structured program, which can be consistently updated.
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