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메뉴Based on the Worldview Verification Theory (WVT), the purpose of this study was to examine whether belief in a just world would moderate the relationship between perceived gender discrimination and self-esteem. According to WVT, greater belief in a just world increases the negative effect of perceived discrimination on self-esteem. In study 1, we measured perceived gender discrimination, belief in a just world, and self-esteem among 200 women (aged at least 20). and the result indicated that the moderating effect of belief in a just world was significant. That is, as belief in a just world was greater, the negative effect of perceived gender discrimination on self-esteem increased. In study 2, using priming approach, we examined the moderating effect of belief in a just world. For this, 160 women (aged at least 20) randomly assigned to either gender non-discriminatory group or gender discriminatory group and completed priming tasks. Findings suggested that belief in a just world moderated the association between group and self-esteem. Specifically, the positive association between BJW and self-esteem was smaller in gender discriminatory group, compared to non-discriminatory group.
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