This study examined mediating effect of partner control, including the Actor-effect and Partner-effect in the process of experience of exposure to family violence influencing on the dating violence. The subjects of this study were 139 couples of men and women in 20s who have been in relationship for 3 months or longer and the self-report scale of experience of exposure to family violence, dating violence, and partner control was implemented for respective couple. As a result of analyzing the path model using the actor-partner interdependence model, the experience of men’s family violence exposure has a direct effect on the perpetration and victimization of dating violence of women and it has a significant influence on the perpetration and victimization of dating violence of men through the partner control of men. On the other hand, the experience of women's exposure to family violence did not have a significant effect on the perpetration and victimization of dating violence in men and partner control has a direct effect on the perpetration and victimization of dating violence of men and women. Such a result shows that the experience of exposure to family violence would have mutually different influence to the dating violence of men and women and the partner control of the couples would have the reciprocity. This study is limited to applying to couples who have experience of family violence exposure because they have conducted general couples who have not been exposed to family violence exposure. Despite of such limitations, this study is the first domestic study of dating violence by adult male and female couples using APIM. also, It is meanigful that the variables affecting dating violence have been systematically studied.
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