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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Women’s psychology on the folktale of ‘The Handless Maiden’ from the feminist perspective -Based on the feminist identity development stage model-


The purpose of this study is to understand the psychological development of women from feminist perspective centering on the text of Brothers Grimm, ‘the Handless Maiden’. The folktale, which is universally spread all over the world, is already well known in Korea. This study attempts to understand women’s psychology by demonstrating that the messages of archetypical symbols in folktales reflect the social conditions. The main character’s “cutting and regeneration of hands” is linked to the loss and regeneration of the initiative, and it is examined with the model in Downing & Roush’s ‘5 Stage Feminist Identity Development’. In the first stage of passive acceptance, the initiative is lost with the cutting of ‘hand’ by father. In the second stage of revelation, despite the heroine’s separation from the father and recovery of the initiative, she depends on the king who makes the hand. In the third stage of embeddedness Emanation, with re-seperation and growth of the initiative, the heroine enters the forest. In the fourth stage of synthesis, with the reproduction of the hands, the initiative is established. In the last stage of active commitment, the integration of initiative and friendship occurs with the regeneration of both hands. Through all these processes, the heroine in the folktale deconstructs the language of the body, mind, and emotion which are internalized by the external condition of the patriarchal society, and goes on looking for her own new language independently. It is significant to investigate the influence of external conditions on women’s inner side and furthermore to feature the process that the initiative, which is the symbol of hand, is subjectively reconstructed according to the stage of development of female identity through women’s psychology from the feminist perspective.

민담 손 없는 처녀, 여성주의, 여성심리, 여성성, 가부장제, 주도성, 여성 정체성, folktale of the Handless Maiden, Feminism, women's psychology, feminine, Patriarchy, initiative, female identity



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology