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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Relationship between Rejection Sensitivity and Sexual Assertiveness of Female College Students Mediating Effect of Disconnect and Reject Scheme


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between rejection sensitivity, disconnect and reject scheme, sexual assertiveness among female college students. Based on this study results, female students can predict their own vulnerability to sexual problems and provide prevention and treatment of sexual conflicts. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, 260 female college students in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province were surveyed from July to August 2018 and the data collected were analyzed using the SPSS 20.0 and Amos 18 programs. The results showed that there is a positive correlation between rejection sensitivity and disconnect and rejection scheme. and negative correlation between rejection sensitivity and sexual assertiveness, disconnect and rejection scheme and sexual assertiveness negatively. In relation to the research model, a complete mediating model is more appropriate that rejection sensitivity does not directly affect sexual assertiveness, but indirectly affects sexual assertiveness through disconnect and rejection scheme. Finally, there are significant differences between rejection sensitivity, disconnect and reject scheme, sexual assertiveness according to experience of date and sexual intercourse. The implications of this study are as follow. First, there were few research examined the effect of rejection sensitivity, disconnect and rejection scheme on sexual assertiveness. So it is significant to reveal the mechanisms that influence sexual assertiveness. In addition, these findings can be applied to counseling, education and training programs for female students who have difficulties in relationship with others, including interpersonal relationships because of their rejection sensitivity, disconnect and rejection scheme, low sexual assertiveness.

female college students, rejection sensitivity, disconnect and reject scheme, sexual assertiveness, 여대생, 거절민감성, 단절 및 거절 도식, 성적자기주장



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology