The present study conducted Implicit Association Test(IAT) measures to measure implicit attitudes toward gender-based hate speech. A total of 244 undergraduates(71 male, 173 female), who attended a liberal arts lecture at the university in Kyonggi-do participated. First, the researchers created a list of hate words, using extracted words that were considered misandry(n=25), misogyny(n=25), and neutral(n=50) from previous research which had analysed ‘Ilbe Storage’, and ‘Megalian’, for producing IAT programme. D-score(Effect Size) represents response time of the hate words by each gender, was computed to identify differences between groups through t-test, and One-way ANOVA. The results indicated that the participants showed strong implicit association with the misogynist words, whereas the misandrist words were not strongly found(male M = .47, female M = -.19). In conclusion, the researchers explored university students’ implicit attitudes toward gender-based hate speech, and discussed future research to understand gender-based hate speech in more depth.
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