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메뉴This study tested whether body dissatisfaction and self-esteem of young women with abnormal eating behaviors could be improved by means of evaluative conditioning intervention in which photograph of participants' bodies were paired with positive social stimuli(smiling faces) and photographs of other bodies were paired with neutral(neutral faces) or negative social stimuli(frowning faces). 78 Korean female university students with abnormal eating behaviors were recruited and randomly assigned to evaluative conditioning intervention condition(n=39) or to a delayed waitlist control condition(n=39). Body dissatisfaction and self-esteem were assessed at baseline and post treatment. The intervention for this study was the replication of the experiments of Martijn et al.(2010) and Aspen et al.(2015). ANCOVAs were run to determine the effect of the intervention. The results showed that women in treatment condition demonstrated significantly decreased body dissatisfaction compared to women in the waitlist control condition. There was no significant difference in post-treatment self-esteem scores between the intervention. These findings suggest that body dissatisfaction of young women with abnormal eating behaviors may be improved by repeatedly pairing their photographs with positive social feedback. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed with suggestions for further studies.
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