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메뉴Perfectionism is a widely-studied transdiagnostic factor that is known to contribute to the etiology and maintenance of various mental disorders including eating disorders. However, specific mechanisms underlying the link between perfectionism and anorexia nervosa has been relatively unexplored despite empirical findings that individuals with higher levels of adaptive or maldaptive perfectionism, adaptive or maladaptive, are more likely to develop more severe anorexic symptoms. Thus, the current study examined potential mediating effects of body checking and body avoidance behaviors in the relationship between perfectionism and anorexic symptoms among female college students. A total 200 female college students completed a series of self-report inventories assessing multidimensional perfectionism, body checking behavior, body avoidance behavior, anorexic symptoms, and depression. The results indicated that body checking behavior significantly mediated the association between maladaptive perfectionism and anorexic symptoms controlling for individual variations in BMI and depression. Based on the findings, theoretical and practical implications as well as the limitations of this study are discussed.
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