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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Psychological and Social variables of female leaders and Career Orientation


This study investigates factors that might influence Korean women's career orientation, and the relationship among predicting variables and the outcome variable for 98 women incumbents of 3 public institutions of Korea. The variables investigated are self-efficacy, locus of control, the existence of mentor, vocational commitment, sex role attitude, sex stereotype, sex awareness, the organizational culture of sex discrimination, the habitual customs of organization, the support of important persons, and family environments. Demographic variables were age, marital status, the age of the youngest child, incumbent duration. According to the results of this study, the variables influencing career orientation were self-efficacy, locus of control, sex role identity, sex awareness, contextual support and family environments. Among demographic variables, the variable influencing career orientation was the age of the youngest child.

career orientation, sex role identity, sex awareness, locus of control, contextual support

The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology