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메뉴This study explored the extent to which gender-role attitude, marital satisfaction, life event stress is related to psychological well-being of employed and nonemployed Korean married women. Participants were 156 nonemployed and 144 employed women aged between 30 and 59. As results of regression analysis, well-being of employed women was independently predicted by negative and positive life event stresses as well as relationship with children, whereas that of nonemployed women was affected by negative life event stress and gender-role attitude. In addition, the effects of gender-role attitude, marital satisfaction, and life event stress on the well-being of wives were found to be different depending on the employment. For example, liberal gender-role attitude had positive effects on the well-being of employed women, whereas traditional gender-role attitude was positively related to that of nonemployed women. In addition, marital satisfaction in general gave more effects on the well-being of nonemployed women than that of employed women. On the other hand, employed women were affected by positive and negative life event stresses more than nonemployed women. Therefore, it is suggested that gender-role attitude, marital satisfaction, life event stresses operate as a moderator in the relation of employment and the well-being of Korean married women.
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