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메뉴The study was to investigate menstrual attitude of early adolescent females, effects several menarche-related characteristics on menstrual attitude, expectations about menstruation among premenarcheal girls, and relationships between menstrual attitudes and premenstrual symptoms. For the purposes, a sample of 753(325 elementary school and 428 junior high school girls) completed the Menstrual Attitudes Questionnaire for Adolescent, Premenstrual Symptom Assessemnt Form, and several questions about menarche-related characteristics. The results, using a confirmatory factor analysis, confirmed the previous study that menstrual attitude of early adolescent females could be divided into five factors (i.e., opneness, positive acceptance, physical symptom, reaction and emotional sensitivity). With regard to menarche-related characteristics, girls showed increased openness and physical symptom scores as grade increased. Educational level of girl' mother was related to emotional sensitivity factor of menstrual attitude. In addition, when girls had a knowledge about menstruation, they had open and positive attitude about menstruation. Premenarcheal girls expected to have more physical changes and had negative attitude to menstruation, compared to menarcheal girls. These results suggested that data about menstrual attitudes can be helpful in clinical and counseling circumstances for early aolescent girls and the Menstrual Attitudes Questionnaire for Adolescent will be very useful.
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