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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Journal Operation


Step 1: Editor’s Decision on the Manuscript Submitted
Submission Consent Form, APC agreement, APA style format, Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice, and CrossCheck screening. The iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Authors can be assured that JDS is committed to actively combating plagiarism and publishing original research.

[Editorial Board and Selection Policy: Please note that Editorial Board of JDS will be very selective, accepting only the articles on the basis of scholarly merit, research significance, research integrity and compliance with the journal style guidelines (APA). JDS and Editorial Board respect and promote all authors and contributors on the basis of research ability and experience without considering race, citizenship, or any of narrow frames of reference.]

Step 2: Double-Blinded Peer-Review
If the manuscript successfully passes the requirements of submission and the first round of screening and plagiarism checking, then the paper goes to external reviewers, which will take another 2 to 8 weeks.

Step 3: Decision Completed

Decision is made based on the reviewer’s recommendation – Reject, Major Revision, Minor Revision, Accept.  

Step 4: Selection for the Month – Editor-In-Chief’s Final Review
All accepted articles will go through another selection process every month as JDS publishes about 12 articles each month. The selection process examines the quality of article and its suitability to the monthly topic. Please note that the publication may be sent for the revision or cancelled for publication if EIC decided that the article is not written aligned with aims and scope of JDS.

Due to the limited number of manuscript that can be published each month the waiting may take up to 6 months. 

Step 5: Manuscript Proof and Payment for the Publication Fee

An email will be sent out to the author of selected manuscript in the Step 4. The email will contain the proof of manuscript and the payment guideline for publication fee. Please do not make the payment until this email is sent to the corresponding author. 

Any errors, author’s information, citations, references, tables, figures, heading, subheadings and etc will be double-checked and the editor may request the author to revise manuscript once again. The manuscript must be proofread by a native English speaker.

The email address that is written in the author’s information on the first page of manuscript will be primarily used and the publication will be cancelled if there is no response from the author for the reasonable time. 

[Important: The journal hold no responsibility on the payment made before this stage and there is no refund under any circumstances. Advance payment does not give any credit toward its acceptance for publication. ]

Step 6: Production
The paid manuscript will be sent to the professional printing editor for formatting.

Step 7: Final Confirmation from the Author

An email containing the final print version of manuscript will be sent to the author for the confirmation. If there is no response from the author within 24 hours from the time the email was sent the manuscript will be published as it was sent in the email. Please note that this is the final opportunity for the author to make change and any correction after the deadline may incur extra fee.

Step 8: Indexing on Scopus

This process may take up to another 2 to 8 weeks. These steps can vary slightly between indexing agencies.


Overall, it takes at least 2 to 10 weeks from submission to acceptance. In addition, it takes at least another 4 to 10 weeks from APC payment to online DOI publication. Then, it takes at least another 4 to 10 weeks from online DOI publication to having indexed on Scopus. For example, due to an increasing number of submissions since 2018 and a limit of publication space in each journal, the average overall time from submission to publication and print from now on takes 3-6 months.  

The Journal of Distribution Science