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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Vol.15 No.10

Choi, Nak-Hwan ; Dhakal, Anisha pp.5-14 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.15.10.201710.5

Purpose - This research aims to find the moderation roles of power states in the effects of four message types (competence self-referencing, competence self-defining, warmth self-referencing, warmth self-defining) on brand attitude. Research design, data, and methodology - A restaurant brand was used as an experimental object, and 4(message types: warmth self-defining message, warmth self-referencing message, competence self-defining message, competence self-referencing message) × 2(power: high power and low power) between-subjects design was employed. Through on-line survey in Nepal, we collected a total of 240 individuals composed of eight experimental groups with 30 members in Nepal. Results - Consumers under low power state formed more positive brand attitude at the warmth self-defining message than any other types of message, while under high power condition, there are neither the attitude differences between competence self-referencing message and competence self-defining message, nor those between competence self-referencing message and warm self-defining message. The significant attitude differences showed between competence self-referencing message and warmth self-referencing message. Conclusions - This study contributes to the advertising theory development. Restaurant store marketers should deliver warmth self-defining message rather than the other three types of message to consumers under low power state, and they should not deliver warmth self-referencing message to consumers under high power state.


Purpose - With the rapid growth of Chinese mobile pay market, it's necessary to run a study of the aims why users prefer to intention of use for mobile fingerprint payment. To reach this goal, UTAUT added Perceived Security and DOI. Research design, data, and methodology - The researchers conducted this study by using collected 3126 responses and the collected data was analyzed by applying statistical techniques factor analysis, AMOS, and Cronbach's Alpha and SPSS 22.0. Results - The result shows that compatibility and relative advantage of mobile fingerprint payment have positive effect on performance expectancy and effort expectancy separately, and the performance expectancy and effort expectancy have positive effect on people's use intention of mobile fingerprint payment. Social influence has a positive effect on the users' use intention of mobile fingerprint payment, Facilitating conditions has a slight effect on the users' use intention of mobile fingerprint payment, Perceived security has the most significant effect on he users' use intention of mobile fingerprint payment. Conclusions - The research showed that compatibility is one of the most important elements that make users continue to use the product. The mobile fingerprint payment must own clearer advantages than other ones that it can reach the biggest market. The Social Influence has a positive influence on the intention of use.

Kwon, Ki-Tae ; Lee, Woo-Sik ; Kwon, Lee-Seung ; Seong, Seung-Hwan ; Kim, Young-Do ; Kwon, Woo-Taeg pp.29-39 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.15.10.201710.29

Purpose - The purpose of this study is to promote sales of the renewable energy industry and to advance into the Southeast Asian market. Research design, data, and methodology - This study is to develop a highly efficient food waste treatment system for Southeast Asian renewable energy industry. The radiation treatment method was applied for this purpose. Results - To investigate effects of ionization on removal of non-degradable organic matter, the results from gamma irradiation and co-digestion process was compared to those from a co-digestion process. Based on the BMP test results, food wastes were oxidized by hydroxyl radicals, and the specific methane yield was 366 mL CH4/g VS. Methane composition was 82%. A WAS/food wastes co-digestion was developed for the treated of non-degradable organic matter in food wastes. The average efficiency of non-degradable organic matter were 92.2% using the food waste co-digestion. Conclusions - Performance of gamma irradiation and co-digestion process was superior to that of a co-digestion process (10-20%). This implies that food wastes can be high efficient co-digested by the gamma irradiation. It is believed that it will be possible to enter the Southeast Asian energy industry as a strategic technology in the overseas energy recovery industry.


Purpose - Online product review has become a crucial part of the online retailer's market performance for a wide range of products. This research aims to investigate how an individual reviewer's review frequency and timing affect her/his average attitude toward products. Research design, data, and methodology - To conduct reviewer-level analysis, this study uses 42,172 posted online review messages generated by 6,941 identified reviewers for 59 movies released in the South Korea from July 2015 to December 2015. This study adopts Tobit model specification to take into account the censored nature and the selection bias arising from the nature of J-shaped distribution of movie rating. Results - Our estimation results support that the negative impact of review frequency and timing on valence. Furthermore, review timing has an inverted-U relationship with the user's average valence and enhance the negative effect of review frequency. Conclusions - This study contributes to the growing literature on the understanding how eWOM is generated at the individual consumer level. On the basis of the main empirical findings, this study provides insights into building a recommendation system in online retail store based on the consumer's review history data - frequency, timing, and valence.

Yoon, Ju-Hee ; Hwang, Yong-Cheol ; Suh, Jaebeom ; Kim, Jae-Gyun pp.51-63 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.15.10.201710.51

Purpose - The current study examines the shopping behavior of Chinese tourists who purchase Korean cosmetics when visiting Korea, based on expectancy-disconfirmation of shopping satisfaction and brand attitude toward Korean cosmetics. A moderating effect of consumer conformity on the relationships between cosmetics selection factors and two dimensions of disconfirmation - expectation and performance is also examined. Research design, data, and methodology - We conducted a survey with 250 Chinese tourists who visited Jeju, Korea and had purchased Korean cosmetics during their stay. Excluding 43 respondents' inputs because of incomplete answers and missing values, 207 responses were used in the final analysis. All hypotheses were tested using structural equation model (SEM). Results - We found that the Chinese tourist expectations had positive impact on their satisfaction, and the factors for cosmetic selection had a positive effect on shopping satisfaction and brand attitude. A moderating effect of consumer conformity was found to be significant. Conclusions - Given the significantly increased demand for Korean cosmetics from Chinese tourists, Korean cosmetics firms need to better understand cosmetics selection attributes and preference of Chinese tourists, which can provide a guideline to develop retail stores and distribution outlets for Chinese tourists.


Purpose - The purpose of the present study is to discover success factors for small and medium-sized exporting enterprises and to derive factors that can positively influence the export of small and medium-sized enterprises. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the problem solution mentioned above. Research design, data, and methodology - A total of 258 filled-in questionnaires were collected; afterwards, frequency and cross tabulation analyses were conducted. The PPML analytic technique was applied to the core factors analyzed in Stages 1 and 2 to conduct regression analysis (cause and effect analysis and estimation method), thereby deriving success factors. Result - Based on detailed factors, a total of 15 success factors directly/indirectly involved in the success of export in small and medium-sized enterprises comprising 9 success factors, three positive effect factors for export, and three governments support policy factors were identified. Conclusions - The present paper is a rare empirical study paper that found and presented three detailed factors that positively influence on export and three government support policy factors, in addition to the above factors. Therefore, the results can be used by small and medium-sized enterprises that require not only previous studies, but also actual export success factor.

Shin, Young-Ho ; Kim, Sun-Geun pp.81-92 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.15.10.201710.81

Purpose - One of the main objectives of this paper is to identify the most effective type of social media and to analyze the priority of blogs by their informational attributes in the aspect of their impacts on word-of-mouth intention(WOM) in on-line markets. Research design, data, and methodology - We set 'attitude' variable in the middle to see if there is mediating effects between blog information and word-of-mouth intention. We conducted a survey by questionnaire and received 206 answers. Employing the OLS statistical methods through the SPSS package, we tested our hypotheses. Results - Some of the main results are the followings. First, blog, micro-blog, and profile-based services showed significant effects on WOM, while Internet community and mini-homepages are not significant. Second, blog has positive impacts on WOM. Third, attitude has perfect mediating effects between blog and WOM. Fourth, in terms of effects on WOM, interactivity shows the first priority and reliability and usability follows. Finally, attitude has a more significant effect for users of 3 types of blog compared with those of 2 types. Conclusions - In this paper, we analyzed the effects of social network services by type and identified the priority among various attributes of information contained in blogs. It would provide businesses with viable strategic options to establish public relations in their sales promotion.

Park, Seong-Hee ; Han, Seung-Jin ; Seo, Won-Jae pp.93-103 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.15.10.201710.93

Purpose - Sports and the media have been developed together through a close relationship. During the past decade, the media landscape and the coverage of sports events have been changed. Sports fans can use the sports content at the time they want, on the platform they prefer. Furthermore, thanks to the advanced information technology, sports fans are likely to be more engaged in sport in communication technology-friendly stadium. However, the literature on the relationship between sports and the media has heavily focused on the differences of media types, clear distinction between media suppliers and consumers, and the limited media extension. Given the limitation of prior research, therefore, it has not fully reflected the change in society and culture, the importance of media recipients or consumers, and the mediating characteristic of the media. In order to generate further insights for sport media related industry and its society, it is necessary to comprehend the contemporary phenomena of real world situation in new media and sport and to discuss how new media influence sport and how their relationship is changing in managerial context. The purpose of this study is to identify new media cases as distribution channels in sports context and is to develop insights by discussing its role and meaning of new media in sport society. Research design, data, and methodology - The study employed the theory-centered review and case analysis. In order to explain phenomena of the role of new media in contemporary sport and to generate related insights in sport context, the study reviewed the new media cases applied in sport industry and interpreted their meaning by employing medium theory, remediation theory, and new media theory. Results - The study discussed the limitation of prior sport media research and identified the characteristics of sport as new media such as remediating, extending sensory organs, reiterating physical space and electronic space. Conclusions - The study derived the characteristics of sport as new media, in a sport setting, and through sports settings. Findings would assist to comprehend the role of new media in spectating sport and provide insights for sport media study.

The Journal of Distribution Science