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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Vol.21 No.2

Anh Thi Lan, NGUYEN ; Chau Thi Minh, PHAM ; Hanh Hong, NGUYEN ; Dat Ngoc, NGUYEN ; Duy Van, NGUYEN pp.1-6 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.21.02.202302.1

Purpose: Research on attracting foreign direct investment plays an important role in ASEAN countries. ASEAN has needed FDI capital for development and integration with many developing countries. Research design, data and methodology: This study is conducted to assess the impact of factors: inflation (INF), economic growth (GDP), population (POP), and trade (TRADE) on attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) of ASEAN countries. The study will find out how factors distribution contributes to FDI attraction. The study collects data from 10 ASEAN countries from 2010 to 2020. With data collected for ten countries from 2010 to 2020, data analysis with panel data will be used in this study. The Regression with Driscoll-Kraay standard errors correction model will be used in the study. Results: Panel data analysis shows that economic growth and population positively impact FDI attraction in ASEAN countries. However, two factors: INF and TRADE, do not affect FDI. Conclusions: Countries need to focus on economic development, create many good conditions for people and domestic enterprises and create opportunities for foreign investors to pay more attention. improving the quality of domestic human resources will help to better improve the working quality factor when the demand for high-quality human resources increases.

Seok-Beom, CHOI ; Hye-Young, JOO ; Hokey, MIN ; Qaiser Farooq, DAR ; Young-Hyo, AHN pp.7-20 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.21.02.202302.7

Purpose: With the unique feature of O2O, consumers are now able to check the profile of the services and products online and then consume them in offline venues or vice versa. This study provides motivation and practical implications about online-to-offline (O2O) distribution channels and investigates the relationship between economic values, service consistency and brand identity attractiveness in the O2O distribution channel. Then identify the impact of brand identity attractiveness on the performance (reputation and reuse intention). Research design, data, and methodology: Structural equation modeling (SEM) has been used to investigate the relationship between economic value and brand identity attractiveness, which affects the reputation and reuse intention of services in O2O. Results: Empirical results show the positive and significant impact of economic value and service consistency on brand identity attractiveness which results the positive and significant impact on performance (reputation and reuse intention) in O2O. Conclusion: In the O2O distribution channel, economic value is an important aspect for the attractive image and brand identity. On the other side, brand identity attractiveness is important for the bright future of O2O services, continuous growth, achieving the distinct goal, keeping good promises with customers, and a better reputation of O2O services in distribution channels.

Eko Retno, INDRIYARTI ; Michael, CHRISTIAN ; Henilia, YULITA ; Titik, ARYATI ; Regina Jansen, ARSJAH pp.21-34 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.21.02.202302.21

Purpose: The goal of this study is to examine what makes young people more likely to use digital banking. This is because digital banking services and their distribution channels are technologically advanced, which can be a double-edged sword between ease of use and resistance to technology. Research design, data and methodology: This study included 320 participants from generation Z in Jakarta who use digital bank and used a quantitative method with PLS-SEM. Results: This study explains how, in addition to usefulness, costs, and self-efficacy, resistance to technology has a direct effect on usage attitudes. Meanwhile, if the attitude of use is preceded by aspects of usefulness, self-efficacy, and awareness, resistance to technology will be felt indirectly. Conclusions: This demonstrated that most discussed factors, such as Ease-of-Use and security of use, are important for Generation Z users but no longer a major consideration in accepting digital banking. Aside from being more open to the use of technology in digital banks, Generation Z also desires a balance of technology services and benefits. The limitations of this study are that it excludes social variables, uses certain generations, and limits the research area to one large city, which can be expanded in future studies.


Purpose: As Thailand seeks to become a regional startup hub, Thai startups have been acquiring growth and scalability in the last ten years. Hence, this paper examines influential factors in Thailand's growth of logistics tech startups. The conceptual framework incorporates sensing user needs, sensing technological options, conceptualizing, scaling, and stretching, co-producing, and orchestrating, business strategy, strategic flexibility, and startup growth. Research design, data, and methodology: The quantitative method was applied to distribute the questionnaire to 500 managers and above in logistics tech startups in Thailand. The sampling techniques involve judgmental, convenience, and snowball samplings. Before the data collection, The Item Objective Congruence (IOC) Index and pilot test (n=45) were employed for content validity and reliability. The data were mainly analyzed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM). Results: The findings revealed that sensing technological options, scaling, and stretching, co-producing, and orchestrating, and business strategy significantly influence the growth of startups in Thailand. Nevertheless, sensing user needs, conceptualizing, and strategic flexibility have no significant relationship with startup growth. Conclusions: For Thailand to accelerate its digital economy driven by tech startups, firms must emphasize influential factors to accelerate growth by providing the right tech solutions for people's lives.

Nor Sa'adah, JAMALUDDIN ; Rohaila, YUSOF ; Noor Lela, AHMAD pp.45-52 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.21.02.202302.45

Purpose: The Malaysia Education Blueprint is primarily concerned with the transformation of students' minds through the curriculum offered at the school level (2013-2025). Diversity in the application of teaching and learning methods is one means of achieving the transformation of students' minds through the Secondary School Standard Curriculum. Consequently, the production of ExSheetLink's Module for Accounting Education is the primary outcome of this study, which had three objectives: the need for ExSheetLink's Module in the process of producing financial statements for Accounting Students in secondary school to the Accounting Teacher; and the design of ExSheetLink's Module that meets the entire process in the production of financial statements for Accounting Students in secondary school based on the Documents Curriculum and the Accounting Students' needs. Research design, data and methodology: This study outlines the research framework for module development in accordance with the Design and Development Research Method, which combines multiple research techniques (Mixed Method). Results: The development of ExSheetLink's Module is completed and can be used for the level of effectiveness purposes. Conclusion: The transformation of Accounting Students' minds is a success thanks to the ExSheetLink Module. Researchers also suggested that all Malaysian Secondary School accounting students test the ExSheetLink Module.

Sri, SAFITRI ; Achmad, SUDIRO ; Fatchur, ROHMAN ; Mugiono, MUGIONO pp.53-63 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.21.02.202302.53

Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of Customer Experience Management (CEM) on the distribution of Marketing Performance mediated by Digital Business Innovation (DBI), Digital Operational Excellence (DOE), and Digital Value Co-Creation (DVC) in Indonesia Information & Technology (IT) industry. Research design, data, and methodology: This research was conducted in two stages, namely exploratory and explanatory on IT companies in Indonesia. The authors took 132 samples using proportionate random sampling method in three groups of companies. Results: The results showed that CEM had no significant positive effect on the distribution of Marketing Performance. CEM has no direct effect on the distribution of Marketing Performance through the mediation of DBI. CEM has direct effect on the distribution of Marketing Performance through the mediation of DOE and DVC. DBI has no significant effect in increasing the distribution of Marketing Performance. However, DOE and DVC have a significant effect in increasing the distribution of Marketing Performance. Conclusion: The distribution of Marketing Performance can be indicated better through CEM through mediation.

Rizal, Rizal ; Nil, FIRDAUS ; Ruslan Abdul, GHOFUR ; Heni, NOVIARITA ; Pertiwi, UTAMI pp.65-76 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.21.02.202302.65

Purpose: This study examines the opportunities and challenges of sharia-based regional development bank spin-offs in supporting economic growth and income distribution through a board of commissioner's approach. Research design, data, and methodology: The research design is qualitative research with the main data collection technique through in-depth interviews. Results: The results of the study show that Bank Nagari can support the performance of the West Sumatra government, especially in regional finance. The positive influence is shown in the benefit aspect of 31% and the opportunity of 28% which is the priority value. The challenges that must be faced are technology services, improving the quality of human resources, socialization, and application of local wisdom which is by the philosophical values of the people of West Sumatra Adat Basandi Syara' Syara' Basandi Kitabullah. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the local government of West Sumatra has an essential contribution to the conversion of Bank Nagari to RDB Syariah as a whole. The expected implication is that the local government and shareholders cooperate well in supporting the transformation to realize West Sumatra Mandani through the populist economy of the people of West Sumatra.

Susetyo, DARMANTO ; Adi, EKOPRIYONO ; Hikmah, HIKMAH ; Andalan, TRI RATNAWATI pp.77-89 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.21.02.202302.77

Purpose: At the end of the pandemic, many digital startups had negative performances. For that, this study aims to analyze the mediating role of entrepreneurial competence and digital entrepreneur career maturity. Seven hypotheses were proposed, namely the effect of entrepreneurship orientation, digital entrepreneurship experience, and digital entrepreneur career maturity on digital entrepreneurial competence, the effect of digital entrepreneurial experience on digital entrepreneurial career maturity, the influence of entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial competence, and digital entrepreneur career maturity on business performance. Research design, data and methodology: The population is digital entrepreneurs in Central Java, Indonesia with a business duration of more than 4 years. The number of samples as many as 184 people were carried out by questionnaire distribution through face-to-face, email, and Google forms. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling was used to test the path coefficient statistics. Results: The results showed that all the hypotheses proposed were accepted. Digital entrepreneurial competencies and digital entrepreneurial career maturity are also proven to have a mediating role. Conclusions: The findings of this study can contribute to the development of digital entrepreneurship research. Practically, the government's role is needed to facilitate the three main elements of digital business: e-commerce, payment methods, and distribution channels.


Purpose: to explore more deeply the variables of knowledge construction in influencing performance, through entrepreneurial leadership, motivation, organizational learning, and commitment to the performance of midwives in providing maximum service to patients and the community. Research design, data and methodology: using quantitative methods with hypothesis testing, data was obtained through direct visits and surveys to midwife practice locations through coordination with the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI) regarding surveys to be carried out and needed. Results: there are 3 direct paths that have significant value. The path between the motivation variable to commitment was found to be significant, then the effect of organizational learning on commitment was found to be significant and finally the effect of the path variable from commitment to distribution performance was found to be significant. The indirect effect was found to be insignificant for the influence of entrepreneurial leadership through commitment to distribution performance, but different results found a significant indirect effect for the relationship between motivation through commitment to performance and organizational learning through commitment to distribution performance. Conclusion: there is a high commitment to the work of midwives, commitment as a good mediation in influencing distribution performance between organizational learning and work motivation.


Purpose: The high-end and variety of recently released items are driving the growth of the distribution industry, which is the purpose of private brand (PB) products. Because PB shortens the distribution process and lowers marketing expenses, such as those associated with various commercials, more people will buy PB while paying lower retail prices. The goal of this study is to make the case that PB can be positioned successfully by determining the influence and direction of each individual constituent concept on how product and store attributes (perceived price, image of retail store) affect the perceived value of PB and the legitimacy of retailers. Research design, data and methodology: The gathered data were examined using PLS-SEM using Smart PLS 3.0 in order to analyze the research model of this study. Internal consistency was verified to demonstrate the measurement model's dependability, and extensive validity analysis, discriminant validity, and analysis were performed to verify the validity. Conclusion: This researcher attempted to gather diverse understandings and viewpoints on PB trends in addition to understanding the existing state of PB products. It is meant to be a unique and successful plan in the PB Brands' marketing strategy. By understanding the brand's value proposition aspects, it is hoped to determine how PB influences brand attitudes based on the findings of this study.


After the outbreak of the COVID-19 in the early 2020, Korea has attempted to reinforce the existing rent controls to help the low-income households. From July 2000, the tenants' right of lease renewal came into effect, as a policy tool to enforce the upper bound percentage of rent increases within Korea. Purpose: This study aims to examine the impact of rent control on the uncontrolled rents in Seoul Metropolitan Area (SMA). Research design, data and methodology: The study regresses the monthly panel data from 58 municipalities in SMA from January 2020 to March 2022, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: The data indicates that the policy had the effect of lowering rents for a period of two months, and subsequently monetary policy including quantitative easing and low interest rates, coupled with asset market bubbles lead to rent increases. During the sample data period, the quantity of money supply increased by 12.6% and CPI rose by 3.0%, these phenomena collectively increased the rents by up to 14.7%. Conclusions: The results of the present study support the findings of earlier studies in part: namely, that rent control without the government's steps to stabilize the property price may have an undesirable effect on rental tenants.


Purpose: This study intended to examine the effects of the characteristics of platforms for purchasing airline tickets on perceived ease of use, usefulness, and e-loyalty, applying the technology acceptance model. Research design, data and methodology: A research model was established based on previous studies, and data were collected from consumers with experience in the airline ticket purchasing platform. 175 valid samples were used and analyzed using SEM. Results: Characteristics of the ticket purchase platform were classified into sub-factors of accessibility, functionality and information reliability through theoretical consideration. The established hypotheses for the research were partially accepted. Conclusions: First, functionality and information reliability were found to have significant positive effects on perceived ease of use, while accessibility did not have such effect. Second, accessibility did not affect the perceived usefulness, and both functionality and information reliability had a significant positive effect on perceived usefulness. Third, it was found that the perceived ease of use had a positive effect on perceived usefulness. Finally, it was found that perceived ease of use did not affect e-loyalty of the ticket purchasing platform, only perceived usefulness affected e-loyalty. This study had important academic and practical implications in the context of air ticket distribution.

The Journal of Distribution Science