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  • P-ISSN1738-3110
  • E-ISSN2093-7717

Vol.19 No.12

ISNAINI, Dewi Budhiartini Juli ; DANILWAN, Yuris ; MANSUR, Daduk Merdika ; ILYAS, Gunawan Bata ; MURTINI, Sri ; TAUFAN, Muhammad Ybnu pp.1-14 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.19.12.202112.1

Purpose: For the last few decades, TQM has become a hot topic in the inner-disciplinary field in the production management line. Still, unfortunately, the study of TQM and Quality Output management is partially only attached to the tangible side in the production management line. Whereas theoretically, the implications of TQM require incremental improvement in all management lines (e.g., HRM, Marketing, Operations, and Distribution Management). Therefore, starting from the main problem, this study aims to analyze the effect of total quality management, Organizational Culture, Perceived Distribution of Quality Awareness, and quality output through a more in-depth analysis. Research design, data and methodology: We conducted a survey of 170 respondents from managers, staff, and employees from 48 companies in Indonesia. We used a quantitative approach with the SEM method to answer this study's problem formulation and hypotheses. Results: The results of our research stated that based on the demonstration of statistical test results, all hypotheses were positive and significant, both direct and indirect relationship demonstrations. Conclusions: Universally, the findings in this study illustrate that the supporting factor for creating value-added in TQM and Quality output lies in the optimal and positive organizational culture and Perceived Distribution Quality Awareness factors in the organization.


Purpose: There is still lack of guidance for merchants toward price discount presentations (absolute/relative), especially for consumers in different purchase contexts. Based on the general evaluability theory, this study investigates consumers' preferences for the presentation of discounts in various contexts through experiments. Research design, data and methodology: The relationship between discount presentation and consumers' preference is investigated in Study 1 using a two-factor between-subject design of 2 (purchase type: material vs. experiential) ×2 (discount type: absolute vs. relative). The Moderating effect of thinking mode has been examined in Study 2 via a multi-factor intergroup design of 2 (purchase type: material vs. experiential) ×2 (discount type: absolute vs. relative) ×2 (cognitive load: high vs. low). One-way ANOVA and planned contrast have been performed for analysis. Results: Experiment 1 reveals that consumers prefer absolute discounts rather than relative discounts when in material purchases. However, when in experiential purchases, they are willing to choose relative discounts. Experiment 2 verifies the boundary conditions of matching effect and illustrates the generation of matching effect is determined by thinking mode. Conclusions: Our study enriches the theories of purchase type and thinking mode. Simultaneously, the results provide practical guidance for merchants to formulate the discount presentation and distribution pricing strategies.


Purpose: By integrating multiple separate online, offline distribution channels, omnichannel distribution has modernized and revolutionized the retailing sector. Omnichannel distribution supports firms by delivering seamless shopping experiences for customers throughout all touchpoints of the shopping journey. This paper aims at exploring the impact of channel integration quality on customer experience and patronage intentions in the omnichannel distribution context. Research design, data and methodology: An online survey was taken with 351 omnichannel experienced shoppers by utilizing the structured questionnaire. The partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and Smart PLS software were employed to analyze and test proposed hypotheses. Results: The findings reveal that channel integration quality dimensions including breadth of channel-service choice, transparency of channel-service configuration, content consistency, and process consistency, play crucial roles in the customer shopping experience. The perceived compatibility has been influenced by the integrated interactions in which content consistency and process consistency. The findings also demonstrate the positive and direct impact of perceived compatibility on customer experience, and both factors have substantial effects on customers' patronage intentions. Conclusions: This study sheds light on the literature on channel integration quality, omnichannel retailing experience and customer patronage. In addition, this study provides practical implications for omnichannel retailers in enhancing customer experience and patronage.

STRYZHAK, Olena ; AKHMEDOVA, Olena ; POSTUPNA, Olena ; SHCHEPANSKIY, Eduard ; TIURINA, Dina pp.33-43 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.19.12.202112.33

Purpose: This paper aims to determine features of the relationship between human development, tourism and national brand. Research design, data and methodology: ranking indicators, cluster analysis, K means method, correlation analysis. Results: The analysis covers data for 95 countries for 2019. The number of countries is justified by the availability of comparable data for calculations. A direct relationship between the indicators for the entire sample has been revealed in the result of the correlation analysis. However, this relationship has not been confirmed for the groups of countries that were formed through the cluster analysis. Spearman Rank Order and Kendall Tau Correlations have been calculated for the five obtained clusters. In two of the five clusters, the relationship between the indicators has not been found. A strong negative link between all the indicators has been detected in the cluster with average index values. A strong positive link between TTCI and BSI has been revealed in the group of countries with the best index values. A strong positive link between TTCI and HDI has been found in the group of countries with the worst index values. Conclusions: The analysis demonstrates that there is a relationship between BSI, TTCI and HDI, and while this link is observed for the sample as a whole, it is not homogeneous for groups of countries.

NONG, Nhu-Mai Thi ; HA, Duc-Son pp.45-56 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.19.12.202112.45

Purpose: This study aims to introduce a hybrid MCDM model to support the selection of retail store location. Research design, data, and methodology: The hybrid approach of ANP and TOPSIS was used to address the location selection problem. The ANP technique was employed to compute the weights of the selection criteria, whilst the TOPSIS was used to rank alternatives. The proposed approach was then applied into a fashion company in Vietnam to select the best alternatives to be the retail store. Results: The results showed that Candidate 1 - Hai Ba Trung street is the most appropriate selection for locating retail stores. Conclusions: The proposed approach provides the decision makers with more useful methods than traditional ones. Therefore, the model can be applied to the location selection in all industries. In terms of academic contribution, the selection criteria proposed in the research can devote to the literature in the selection of location along with the concept of distribution channels. Additionally, the research also provides insight and guidelines for firms in making decision on retail store location based on limited resources to avoid the waste of funds. However, the results only answer to the context of Vietnam - a developing country. Thus, future research may be extended to developed countries where have better conditions.

CHRISTIAN, Michael ; HARIS, Kevin ; INDRIYARTI, Eko Retno ; WIBOWO, Suryo ; SUNARNO, Sunarno pp.57-69 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.19.12.202112.57

Purpose: This study aims to measure whether the business performance of Padang restaurants in North Jakarta is primarily affected by service distribution strategy and other factors, specifically the local-based organizational culture and entrepreneurial orientation. Research design, data and methodology: This quantitative research has used Structural Model-Partial Least Square (PLS-SEM) with SMART PLS 3.0 as the analytical tool. The study's sample focus is the owner or person in charge of the Padang restaurant business in North Jakarta. Data has been collected using a questionnaire instrument with a Likert scale scale ('1-strongly disagree' to '5-strongly agree'). A total of 86 samples with a random technique were obtained from three areas in North Jakarta: Kelapa Gading, Pademangan, and Penjaringan. Results: Interestingly, this research finds that service distribution strategy does not affect business performance, either directly or indirectly. Business performance in this study is affected by entrepreneurial orientation. In additional results, the local organizational culture significantly affects the entrepreneurial orientation, but does not affect the business performance in terms of management process. Conclusions: This study provides practical implications for restaurant businesses regarding the use of local cultural concepts to consider strategies for survival in today's challenging times while continuing operations during limitations.


Purpose: This study to seek to answer two research questions in distribution science: what photo decoration cues in online grocery stores could be identified? Could photo decoration cues significantly effect on the affective perception and behavioral intention of consumers? Research design, data, and methodology: his study conducted a laboratory experiment with a 2×2×2 factorial design to validate the proposed research model and test our proposed hypotheses. Research design, data and methodology: Two stages experiments were adopted in this study, among 360 voluntaries who have had an experience of online grocery shopping, 331 valid data had been collected and analyzed using MANOVA and PLS-SEM algorism. Results: (1) both reflective surface and complementary goods layout lead to visual appeal and shopping enjoyment; (2) contrast color usage positively impacts on visual appeal while does not significantly affect shopping enjoyment; (3) consumers' affective responses positively impact attitudes toward product and store which in turn lead to purchase intention and store loyalty. Implications for research and practice are discussed. Conclusions: Using the media richness theory, visual rhetoric theory and visual design literature as the theoretical foundation, the study provides a solid foundation to comprehend the impact of photo design artifacts on consumers' affective responses when online consumers shopping online for fresh grocery.

KIM, Boine ; KIM, Byoung-Goo pp.83-89 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.19.12.202112.83

Purpose: Purpose of this study is to empirically analyze influence of global competitive capability on global performance of distribution industry in South Korea. Also based on the empirical results, give managerial implication to distribution industry and contribute to academies of management. Research design, data and methodology: This study focuses on relationship analysis between global competitive capability and global performance. This study measured global competitive capability with three concepts; human capability, network capability and product/service capability. And measured global performance with export performance. To empirically analyze relationship between variables, this study used 2,316 data of GCL Test by KOTRA and Kdata. This study used SPSS26 and analyzed frequency, reliability, correlation and stepwise regression analysis. Results: Result shows that, in control variable, business period and business field give significant positive influence on export performance. Among antecedents, human capability and network capability give significant positive influence on export performance. However, product/goods/service was not significant. Due to significant influence of business field which is categorical variable. This study additionally analyze relationship by business field group to confirm whether relationship differ by group or similar. Conclusions: Based on the results, this study try to give implication to distribution industry management and contribute to academic.

BAE, Suk-Kyeong ; CHOI, Choongik pp.91-101 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.19.12.202112.91

Purpose: This study aims to explore the effects of government's value intervention messages on the prevention and control of infectious disease in the risk communication process in terms of goveremnt policy response to COVID-19 from the mismatch message perspective, and draws the relevant implicaitons. Due to the infeciton spread, some people point out that depression caused by COVID-19 is because of wrong signals of the government and infectious disease prevention and control authorities, namely value intervention messsages. Research design, data and methodology: This study examined the epidcmic situation through message deails regarding the effects of government's mismatch messages on prevention and control of infectious disease and the resulting phenomena. Results: People's lives are under serious threat overall, so the declaration of the end of COVID-19 is almost impossible unlike MERS. Economic downturn due to foreced prevention and control regulaitons of COVID-19, mistruct of social distancing, fatigue on mismatch messages, and moral hazard on the awareness of prevention and control of infectious disease are negative phenomena to risk communiaiton on COVID-19. Conclusions: This study investigated the government authorities' policy sending wrong signals due to mismatching of the reality at this point in time for infectious disease prevention and control from the risk communicaiton perspectrive.

LEE, Hyuk-Jin ; SEONG, Myeong-Hee pp.103-114 https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.15722/jds.19.12.202112.103

Purpose: This study was conducted with the goal of increasing research interest in H&B stores as a new distribution channel to identify factors influencing the revitalization of the H&B stores in Korea in distribution channels, in detail, the relationships among perceived values, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. Research design, data and methodology: With 499 respondents, this study used exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis to verify the reliability and validity of measured variables. Multiple regression was employed as a statistical method for the hypotheses of the study. Results: According to the results of the analysis, H&B stores are targeted by female customers in their 20s and 30s. The findings showed that four perceived values affect store satisfaction and trust. Store satisfaction and trust have positive effects on loyalty. Comparing the two variables, store satisfaction had a slightly stronger effect on loyalty than on trust. Conclusions: This study identified the store’s diverse values for the revitalization of the H&B stores need to provide to customers. The stores need to form facilities that can enhance the value of shops perceived by customers, and to establish distribution strategies that can further increase store satisfaction, trust, and loyalty to expand trading areas as multi-brand shops.

The Journal of Distribution Science