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Relationships between Depression, Cognitive Deconstruction, Perceived Support from Friend and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents


The main purpose of this study was to test two possible paths from depression to suicidal ideation in adolescents. One is a direct path from depression to suicidal ideation, and the other is indirect path from depression through cognitive deconstruction to suicidal ideation. The second purpose is to examine the moderating effect of perceived support from friend as a protective factor against suicidal ideation. The data was gathered from 329 adolescents attending senior high schools in Ulsan and Pusan. In path analysis using with SPSS 12.0, we found the direct and indirect influence of depression on suicidal ideation and the indirect influence of depression on suicidal ideation via cognitive deconstruction. The direct effect of depression on suicidal ideation was more stronger than indirect effect. The direct influence of cognitive deconstruction on suicidal ideation was also significant. In testing the moderating effect of perceived support from friend, it was found that perceived support from friend moderated the negative effect of depression on cognitive deconstruction. but did not moderate the negative effect of cognitive deconstruction on suicidal ideation. In additional multiple regression based on six functions of friend's support, intimacy was negatively related with depression, helping was negatively related with cognitive deconstruction, and trust was negatively related with suicidal ideation. It suggests that enhanced perceived support from friend can play as a protective factor for suicidal ideation in adolescents.

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