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ISSN : 1229-0718
This study investigated the relationships among false belief, emotion, language, and social behavior in four- and five-year-old children. The participants were 30 four-year-old children and 30 five-year-old typically developing children in two kindergartens. The children's abilities were measured by using language tasks, false belief tasks, emotional perspective taking tasks, and the Korean Version of the Social Skills Rating System-Preschool Form (K-SSRS). The results showed that 4-year-old children's false belief performance was significantly correlated with emotional perspective taking whereas 5-year-old children's false belief performance was significantly correlated with complement understanding and social skill scores. The findings also suggest that understanding of false-belief may be separated from understanding of emotion in terms of aspects of social behavior in young children. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that receptive vocabulary predicted social behavior in 4-year-olds, while the false belief performance predicted social behavior in 5-year-olds. In addition, the complement understanding predicted the false belief performance in 5-year-olds. These results suggest that the vocabulary along with the false belief performance is a predictor of social behavior in Korean children, the complement understanding is a predictor of false belief reasoning.
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