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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The objective of this study was to investigate the stability between visual recognition memory of 6 month olds and intelligence of 17 month olds, and 30 month olds and 48 month olds. Cognitive ability was measured with CAS-2I in 17 month olds, K-BSID-Ⅱ in 30 month olds, K-ABC in 48 month olds. There were not significant correlation between the visual recognition memory of 6 month olds and intelligence of 30 month olds and 48 month olds. But there was significant positive correlation between the intelligence of 17 month olds and 30 month olds. There was moderate positive correlation between the intelligence of 30 month olds and 48 month olds. The performance score of 30 month olds was correlated with the intelligence of 17 month olds, but not correlated with the score of information subscale and correlated with the score of achievement subscale of 48 month olds. The education level of mother correlated with the intelligence of 30 month olds, and the education level of father was correlated with the intelligence of 48 month olds.
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