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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The purpose of this study is to examine the validity of ASSQ and the relationship among ASSQ, theory of mind, executive function, and social skills for age of 6-9 children. The participants of this study are 54 normal children and 57 children with high functioning autism spectrum disorder. The data of ASSQ, theory of mind, executive function and social skills are analyzed and compared to validate the ASSQ as a screening assessment instrument. One way ANCOVAs with age and IQ as covariates to compare the differences between normal and high functioning autism spectrum group, Pearson Correlation(partial correlation) and Multiple Regressions are conducted. The results showed the high functioning autism spectrum disorder group is higher in ASSQ, and lower in secondary false belief task and advanced theory of mind and executive function than the normal control group. They also showed that the autistic group is higher in problem behaviors and lower in social skills than the control group.
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