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The Relationship among Perceived Mother’s Parenting Behaviors and Self-concept Clarity: Mediation Effect of Attachment Security and Rejection Sensitivity


This study examined the structural relationships among Perceived mother’s parenting behaviors, Attachment security, Rejection sensitivity and Self-concept Clarity. Based on the theoretical background, this study suppose that relationship between Perceived mother’s parenting behaviors and Self-concept Clarity is mediated by attachment security and rejection sensitivity. For this research, the self-report data of 409 College student in Seoul and suburbs of Seoul were analyzed. After examining hypothetical model, subordinate levels of perceived mother’s parenting behaviors, overprotection, has a direct effect on Self-concept clarity. At the same time, Relationship between subordinate levels of perceived mother’s parenting behaviors, care and overprotection, and Self-concept clarity was mediated by attachment security to the mother and rejection sensitivity. However, care was not significant as a direct path to predicting Self-Concept Clarity. Lastly, the study model was shown to be suitable both to male and female and no significant difference was found in Path Coefficient.

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