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This study examined the relationship between attachment security, emotion regulation ability, and children’s flow. Fifty-one children from two-parent families visited the laboratory and were observed in the Preschool Strange Situation, free play settings, and distressful play situations at age 5. One year later (at age 6), these children returned to the laboratory and were observed in a task situation. Children's and mothers' behaviors were videotaped and rated by three coders in terms of attachment security and stress regulation. Coders also rated the levels of concentration, comfortableness, and enjoyment as components of children’s flow. The results showed a significant correlation between the levels of concentration at age 5 and 6. In addition, attachment security and emotion regulation ability predicted children’s flow at age 5. In particular, the influence of children’s attachment security at age 5 on flow at age 6 was also significant. These results were discussed in terms of developmental continuity in children’s flow and its relationship to an internal working model of attachment relationships.
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