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The purpose of this study was to examine direct and indirect effects of empathic parenting on school adjustment. A total of 413 middle school students (247 boys and 166 girls) responded to questions regarding their perceptions of their parents’ empathic parenting, their own empathy, and school adjustment. First, empathic parenting had a direct effect on adolescents’ school adjustment. Adolescents who perceived higher levels of empathic parenting exhibited higher levels of school adjustment. Second, empathic parenting had an indirect effect on school adjustment through adolescents’ empathy. Adolescents who perceived higher levels of empathic parenting demonstrated higher levels of empathy, and adolescents who reported higher levels of empathy demonstrated better school adjustment. Finally, multi-group analyses revealed that there were significant gender differences in both direct and indirect pathways from empathic parenting to adolescents’ school adjustment. These findings suggest that both environmental and individual factors need to be considered together to explain the school adjustment of adolescents.
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