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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
The current research investigated whether 12-month-old infants can predict the goals of others' pointing actions before the onset of the actions. Infants participated in three types of trials: familiarization, pretest-display, and test trials. In the two-object condition, infants watched an actor repeatedly point to one of two objects during familiarization trials. During the pretest-display trial, the locations of the two objects were switched. During the test trial, the actor simply sat between the objects. The procedure for the one-object condition was identical except that there was only one object during the familiarization trials. In the two-object condition, the infants who could produce pointing actions looked longer at the prior-goal object than at the non-prior-goal object; whereas infants in the one-object condition did not. The current findings demonstrated that 12-month-old infants could anticipate an actor's goal using information regarding the goal of previous pointing actions.
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