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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
In this study, we investigated the influence of infants’ (1-3 years) visual media overindulgence on their general, emotional and social development. An infants’ visual media overindulgence scale was created, and its content and construct validity proved sound. Participants comprised 795 mothers with infants across 5 provinces. There were three key findings. First, infant visual media overindulgence was positively correlated with mothers’ Internet addiction, not fathers’ Internet addiction. Second, infant visual media overindulgence was positively correlated with social development problems indicated in the Korean Ages and Stages Questionnaires. Third, visual media overindulgence negatively influenced personal-social, communication, and gross and fine motor skills in the Korean Ages and Stages Questionnaires, and aggression/defiance, activity/impulsivity (externalizing problem), depression/withdrawal, and general anxiety (internalizing problem). Limitations and future tasks were discussed.
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