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The current study examined the relationships between indicators of the prenatal environment (e.g., brith weight, 2D:4D, FA) and adult behavior (e.g., depression, emotionality, and schozotypal tendency). The results revealed that lower birth weight was associated with higher scores of schizotypal personality traits after controlling for confounding variables (age, income, handedness, and BMI). Lower 2D:4D predicted higher emotionality. Moreover, individuals with higher or lower 2D:4D had higher depression scores than those with average 2D:4D. FA had negative associations with men's emotionality and Idea of reference and women's No close friends. These findings add additional evidence for the effect of fetal programming on adult behavior. In addition, the fact that behavioral effects are observed in individuals with developmental indicators that fall within normal range suggests that long-term effects of prenatal environment can occur without extreme developmental deficits.
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