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The effect of behavioral control parenting on adolescents’ self-esteem: The mediated roles of separation from parents and perceived mattering to parents


The current study examined the mediated roles of separation from parents and perceived mattering to parents in the effect of behavioral control parenting on adolescents’ self-esteem. A total of 131 middle school students (aged 13) and 137 university students (aged 23) participated in the study. First, fathers’ higher knowledge of their children’s activities and behaviors a predicted heightened perceived mattering to fathers, which in turn, predicted better self-esteem in adolescents. Second, for university students, the curvilinear effect of functional independence from their mothers on adolescents’ self-esteem was found. Adolescents who were in the middle level of functional independence from mothers showed lower self-esteem than adolescents who were in the higher and lower levels of functional independence from their mothers. The current study revealed the significant role of fathers and the possible different mechanisms regarding the effect of separation from mothers on adolescents’ self-esteem depending on their age.

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