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Perceived Marital Conflict and Children’s Body Esteem: A Moderated Mediation Model of Mother-Child Communication Problems and Mother’s Psychological Control


This study aimed to examine a mediating effect of mother-child communication problems and moderating effect of mother’s psychological control in the relationship between perceived martial conflict and body esteem among children in late childhood. A total sample of 195 5-6th grade children (102 girls) completed a survey. We found that perceived martial conflict was significantly and negatively associated with children’s body esteem. Mother-child communication problems partially mediated this link. This mediation effect of perceived martial conflict on body esteem through mother-child communication problems was moderated by mother’s psychological control. The children who perceived mothers’ psychological control less were more likely to have low body esteem when problematic communication with mothers occurred more frequently. Our findings implied that marital conflict might lead to problematic communication with their children and that children might internalize those negative messages that they received when they evaluate their self-image. Moreover, mother’s maladaptive parenting may exacerbate the link between problematic communication and children’s body esteem.

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