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Age related- and individual differences in real emotion regulation after anger mood induction: A comparison of young and older adults


This study was designed to examine both age-related and individual differences in real emotion regulation after anger mood induction. In this study, older (n=50) and young adults (n=50) watched two negative films and rated their mood using a visual analogue scale every 2 min for approximately 25 min. Results revealed that older adults were more likely than younger adults to quickly regulate their emotions. In order to identify individual differences in emotion regulation, a growth mixture modeling was performed on the mood ratings. Growth mixture modeling on older adults group revealed three latent subgroups of mood-change trajectories: positive-maintain group, negative-decrease group, and neutral-increase group. There was a significant group difference for negative emotional experience and anxiety level in older adults, whereas there was a significant group difference for positive emotional experience and emotion regulation strategies in younger adults. This suggests that considering not only age differences but also individual differences in emotion regulation is very important to understand emotional characteristics in old age.

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