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Although the cognitive and neurophysiological characteristics of SCD are known to be different from those of the normal elderly, studies of the emotional characteristics in SCD are rare. In old age, affective optimization characteristics that maximize positive emotions and avoid negative emotions appear to maintain emotional stability. This leads to a positivity effect of attending to and remembering positive rather than negative stimuli. The present study investigated the positivity effect for memory in older adults with SCD compared with those of normal elderly (NE) and patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Thirty NE, 29 SCD, and 24 MCI participated in the study. All participants were presented with computerized picture and word stimuli with three valence values (positive, negative, and neutral) and performed immediate and delayed recall tasks. Overall, positivity effects were observed in the picture and word stimuli in the NE group. In the SCD group, however, a positivity effect was observed for neither picture nor word stimuli; emotional memory enhancement (EME) was observed only for picture stimuli. The MCI group did not show EME in either stimulus condition. In sum, these results suggest that emotional regulation is already impaired in older adults with SCD. Therefore, early emotional intervention for SCD is needed.
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