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A Longitudinal Analysis of Young Adult Women's Materialism, Appearance Orientation, and Attitudes towards Cosmetic Surgery


This study aimed to investigate the longitudinal relationship between materialism, appearance orientation, and attitude towards cosmetic surgery among 452 young adult South Korean women. We hypothesized that materialism, appearance orientation, and attitudes toward cosmetic surgery would be consistent over time. We also hypothesized that the longitudinal relationship between materialism and attitudes toward cosmetic surgery would be mediated by an increase in appearance orientation. completed the survey three times at 6-month intervals. Using an autoregressive cross-lagged modeling we found that materialism, appearance orientation, and attitude towards cosmetic surgery were consistent across time. We also found mutual associations of all three factors. An increase of materialism did not significantly predict an increase of attitude towards cosmetic surgery. Yet, but an increase of appearance orientation did mediate the link between increases in materialism and attitudes toward cosmetic surgery. This study implies that the highly materialistic culture of South Korea could explain the popularity of cosmetic surgery among young adult women.

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