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Mediating Effects of Child Autonomy and Socially Prescribed Perfectionism in Relation to Mother’s Child-based Self-worth, Psychological Control and Subjective Well-Being of Young Adults


This study examined the relationship between middle-aged mother's child-based self-worth and psychological control, and whether the child's desire for autonomy and socially prescribed perfectionism mediate in the process of the mother’s psychological control affecting their child's Subjective Well-Being. The subjects of this study were 323 pairs of middle-aged mothers and young adults living in Busan. Mother-related variables were collected from mothers and child-related variables were collected from children. As a result, a mother's child-based self-worth significantly explained the psychological control of the child, and the mother's psychological control showed a negative effect on the child's desire for autonomy but a positive effect on socially prescribed perfectionism. As a result of confirming the significance of the mediating effect, the mediating effect of the child's desire for autonomy and socially prescribed perfectionism was found to be significant in the relationship between the mother's psychological control and the child's Subjective Well-Being. Based on these findings, the implications of the results, limitations of the study, and the necessity of follow-up research were discussed.

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