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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0718
This study examined school dropout adolescents’ psychosocial trajectories across adolescence into emerging adulthood and whether these trajectories differed by adjustment status in emerging adulthood, as characterized by attainment of a high-school diploma and involvement in productive activities for the past 12 months. Using five waves’ of the School Dropout Panel data (n=295), latent growth modeling and multigroup analyses were conducted. Overall, the study sample showed significant decreases in perceived social stigma, academic elitism, parental maltreatment, and associations with delinquent peers over time. Additionally, 40.7% of the sample were classified in the positive adjustment group in emerging adulthood. Findings also indicate that the developmental trajectories of perceived social stigma, academic elitism, parental supports, and peer relationships significantly differed by the adjustment status in emerging adulthood. The results highlight that effective programs are needed to help these adolescents by addressing within group variabilities among school dropout adolescents.
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