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메뉴The purpose of this study was to investigate mothers' psychological characteristics following their children's disclosures of sexual abuse by MMPI, BDI and STAI. The subjects of this study were the mothers who had sexually abused children. Based on the fact whether the mothers had been sexually abused or not, the mothers were separated into two groups (Group 1 and 2). In these sexually abused children’s mothers, 17 out of 47 mothers had suffered from the sexual abuse in the past. Control group contained 32 mothers who did not have sexually abused children and who had not been sexually abused in their childhood (Group 3). All mothers were evaluated with MMPI, BDI, and STAI tests. The difference in the average based on the above three tests was examined among the three groups. The results as follows; Group 1 had higher index in the level of Pd, Anger(ANG), Anxiety(ANX) and Obsessiveness(OBS) content in MMPI test, which means that they were closely related to anger, social inhospitality and thought with anxiety. Group 2 had higher index in the level of Hs, Sc and Health Concern(HEA), which means that they were abundant in obscure physical symptoms and desire to depend upon friends and acquaintance. It was shown in the BDI and STAI tests that the indexes to Group 1 and 2 were significantly higher than those of Group 3, which means that sexually abused children made mothers experience unstable emotion and suspect others. The results of cluster analysis of mothers who had sexually abused children made those mothers classified into 2 different types. Group 1 insisted on defense for adaptation or rationalization and Group 2 had psychic difficulty in solving problem by themselves. Some reason for the results might be assumed.
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