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메뉴The purpose of present study is to investigate the influence of self-construals on psychological well-beings. Participants were 158 university males, 150 university females in Korea. First, gender difference was not significant on relational-interdependent self-construal, independent self-constual, self-esteem. and psychological well-being. But in the case of males, independent self-construal was positively correlated with relational- interdependent self-constual. The present study proposes that the independent and that relational- interdependent self-construals are predictors of psychological well-being, and that the effect of an independent self-construal on psychological well-being is mediated through self-esteem. We examined the influence of self-construals on psychological well-being and also analyzed the results according to gender differences through the multi-sample analysis based on the structural equation modeling. As a result, the goodness of fitness of the proposed model was acceptable. Comparing parameter estimates, we found the effect of an independent self-construal on psychological well-being as mediated through self-esteem in both groups. The results also showed that the influence of independent self-constual on psychological well-being was significant in males, whereas the influence of relational-independent self-constual on psychological well-being was significant in females.
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