The goals of the present study were to investigate the male-to-female ratio according to the attention-deficit/hyperactivity(ADHD) subtype in community-based population and exploring related problem of two subtype of ADHD(ADHD-Combined type and ADHD-Inattention type). 717 school children were evaluated by the parent ratings on a Korean ADHD rating scale(K-ARS) and Korean personality inventory for children(KPI-C). From 717 school children, 77 ADHD <46(6.4%) ADHD-Combined type and 31(4.3%) ADHD-Inattention type> were identified. The male-to-female ratio for the ADHD-Combined type is 3.2:1 and the male-to-female ratio for the ADHD-Inattention type is 2.1:1. ADHD-Combined children and ADHD-Inattention children were rated as displaying more externalizing problem and internalizing problem than control group. ADHD-Combined children were rated as displaying more externalizing problem than ADHD- Inattention children, but ADHD-Combined group and ADHD-Inattention group were not significantly different on the internalizing problem. The most interesting results was an interaction effect between the subtype and the gender. In case of the male, ADHD-Combined children were rated as displaying more peer dislike problem than ADHD-Inattention type and control group. In case of the female, there was not differecne in peer dislike.
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