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메뉴This study was to find the relationships between coping style, separation-individuation and hope on married woman's marital adjustment. There were 337 married woman who had lived in Korea in this study. The significant results were revealed as follows. : First, when effects of other sub-dimensions of coping style were controlled, the more positive coping style of 'problem-focused coping style', the less passive coping style of 'emotion-focused coping style', the better marriage adjustment was: Second, women who showed high separation-individuation level from their parents tend to have better marital adjustment. Third, women who had high hope level tend to have also better marital adjustment, especially agency thinking, sub-dimensions of hope, had great impact on marital adjustment Forth, When effects of other variables were controlled, we could be convinced that separation-individuation and hope had great impact on marital adjustment. When such results were discussed the implications and limitations of these findings were suggested.
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