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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Buffering effects of Strengths and Social Support between Stress and Depression of the elderly women


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between elderly depression and negative life stress and to investigate the buffering effects of social support and perceived strengths on the relationship. The participants of this study were elderly women who had not received a diagnosis of dementia and were sampled from the elderly residents in Busan. A total of 181 cases were included for the final hierarchical multiple regression analysis. It was found that a lower activity in daily living, a higher level of stress, a lower level of perceived interpersonal relationship strengths, and a lower level of family support led to a high degree of feelings of depression. In terms of the effect of social support and the perceived strengths of the relationship between stress and depression, perceived strengths relieved depression derived from stress. It turned out that the interaction between stress and the perceived strengths effected depression levels controlling for other socioeconomic variables. The findings of this study contribute to an increased understanding of depression among elderly women and suggest a cognitive behavioral intervention to enhance positive thinking in terms of preventing depression and managing depression. The limitations of this study are discussed along with some suggestions for future research and strategies.

여성노인 우울, 강점, 사회적지지, 완충효과우리나라는 2000년에 고령화 사회에 진입하였고, 2006년 현재 노인인구는 9.5%를 차지하고 있다. 전체인구에서 남성노인이 7.6%를 차지한 반면 여성노인은 11.4%로서 전체노인의 비율에서 여성노인의 비율이 67.8%를 차지한다. 뿐만 아니라 여성노인의 비율이 2030년에는 81.2%로 증가될 것으로 예상되고 있고, 여성노인의 기대수명 역시 남성노인보다 높아 여성노인의 고령기가 증가되고 있다(통, elderly women depression, strengths, social support, buffering effects, elderly women depression, strengths, social support, buffering effects



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology