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메뉴The goal of this study was to analyze the relationship between social role and self-construction and between social role and life satisfaction through everydaylife slf-recoding data. A total of 38 middle-aged women was particiapted in this study. They were asked to report their everyday lives according to time, place, activity, role-definition, relationship, and satisfaction. The results showed that working women were conducting more roles than housewives. However, there were no significant differences of life satisfaction between working women and housewives and bewteen 40s and 50s. More specifically, 40s working women dissatisfied with their housework, whereas they were satistified with their work. This result indicated that working women were likely to have a burden of caring and nurturing their family members as well as working at working place. However, they reported that they satistified with family members to have dinner and watch TV after work. Regardless of their ages, most middle-aged women tended to have their own time for leasure, physical training, and reading in order to develop and integrate their own identities. Thus, well-defined identities were associated with well-being for women.
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