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메뉴It was reported that female patients diagnosed with alcohol dependency had more severe psychopathy and psychological problems than male patients diagnosed with alcohol dependency. It was also reported that psychological characteristics of women alcoholics varied between young adult and middle age women and it is clinically identified that young women alcoholics have obvious characteristics than middle or old age. Based on our research there has not been any empirical research or studies performed on identifying psychological characteristics of female alcoholics in korea according to age. Therefore the purpose of this study was to explore the psychological characteristics of female patients diagnosed with alcohol dependency in korea according to age. Our study involved 171 korean women diagnosed with alcohol dependency by means of the DSM-Ⅳ. Psychological methods used were Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Beck's Depression Inventory and Beck's Anxiety Inventory. We analyized the 13 subscales, MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale, and 15 version of korean contents scales in MMPI. Our study showed that the scores of Lie scale and Psychopathic Deviate scale in MMPI were significantly different by age, Depression scale and Hypomania scale in MMPI were not significantly different but some different tendency by age. As a result, the scores of Anger scale and Antisocial practice scale in MMPI contents scale were significantly different by age, Low self-esteem scale and Family problem scale in MMPI contents scale were not significantly different but some different tendency by age. Finally, the clinical meanings and limitations of this study were discussed.
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