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메뉴In the present study, we investigated the relationship of mindfulness, marital satisfaction which is index of the quality of the marital relationship, and marital communication patterns which are signifacant interactional variable in couples. Research Participants were 186 married woman, who were in thirties and forties. First, the correlation analysis result is as follows. 4 sub-factors of mindfulness, that is present awareness, concentration, non-judgemental acceptance and de-centered attention are positively correlated with positive communication pattern and marital satisfaction. And they are negatively correlated with negative communication patterns. Second, the mediating model analysis result is as follows. Partially mediating model was supported. That is, there was a significant effect from mindfulness to marital communication pattern, and also a significant effect from marital communication pattern to marital satisfaction. Suggestions for future studies and for marital counseling in married woman were made.
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