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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Changes in Female Air Force Officers' Attitudes to Sex Role from 1997 to 2007: With a Focus on the First Class of the Sex-integrated Academy


This study shows the changes of female Air Force officers' attitudes to sex role over ten years. The subject is 18 female officers who entered the Air Force Academy in 1997, the first year of sex-integrated education. Sex role attitudes are measured in the three areas of traditional sex role identity, attitudes toward women managers and military women. The surveys are conducted in 1997, 1999, 2001 and 2007. Two control groups are selected: 40 male officers of the same class of the subject group for the longitudinal analysis, and 204 cadets for the cross sectional comparison. The results are as follows. First, the female and male Air Force officers show increasingly progressive attitudes toward sex role compared to their attitudes they had when they were cadets. Second, the progressive level of female officers' attitudes toward sex role shows changes. The level decreases in 1999 and increases in 2007 almost to the initial level of 1997. Third, the female pilot officers show more progressive attitudes toward sex role than male pilot officers and male and female non-pilot officers although the statistics do not show significant level. Fourth, the sex role attitudes between the officers and the cadets are not significantly different. Fifth, the gender difference exists in the sex role attitudes all through the ten years. The results are discussed in terms of sex-integrated education, gender-related issues and empowerment of female leaders in the military.

성역할 태도, 성통합교육, 공군 장교지난 10여 년간 한국 사회는 성역할 태도 및 제도 면에서 많은 변화를 보여주고 있다. 국제 사회에서 발표하는 한 나라의 양성 평등 정도를 보여주는 남녀평등지수나 남녀권한척도에서 우리나라는 꾸준한 상승세를 보이고 있으며(통계청, 2007), 여성정책을 기획 종합하고 남녀차별 금지 및 구제 업무를 담당하는 여성부가 2001년에 신설된 것을 시작으로 구체적인 법령 및 사회의식 면에서 많은 변화를 가져왔다. 이러, sex role attitude, sex-integrated education, Air Force officer, sex role attitude, sex-integrated education, Air Force officer



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology