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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


The Relationship Between Gender and the Choice of Artistic Major: Based on SCCT Model


The purpose of this study was to test several hypotheses emanating from social cognitive career theory in Korea. Participants completed a survey packet containing measurement of gender role identity, artistic self-efficacy, artistic interests, external career barriers, and the choice of artistic majors. Findings indicated partial support for the hypotheses that self-efficacy predict interest, and that interest mediate the relations of self-efficacy to the choice of artistic major. However, the expected model was varied somewhat across sex. In addition, contrary to SCCT model, artistic interest also predict artistic self-efficacy though the model fit was lower than SCCT model. Based on these findings, the limitations and implications of this study were discussed.

Gender role identity, Artistic self-efficacy, Artistic interest, Choice of Artistic major, Career barriers, Social cognitive career theory, 성역할 정체감, 예술형 자기효능감, 예술형 흥미, 예술형 진로선택, 진로장벽, 사회인지 진로이론여성의 사회 진출이 늘어나면서 많은 여성들이 과거에 비해 다양한 직업 세계에서 활동하고 있다. 그러나 비전통적 직업과 전통적 직업이 여전히 존재하며 이러한 구분은 여성 뿐 아니라 남성들에게도 직업 선택의 폭을 제한하는 결과를 가져오고 있다. 특히 여성의 경우 이공계 분야에 대한 자기효능감을 덜 장려하는 가족 내, 사회 내 분위기가 여성의 이공계 진로, Gender role identity, Artistic self-efficacy, Artistic interest, Choice of Artistic major, Career barriers, Social cognitive career theory



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology