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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology


Perception of the organizational environment for female leaders in the public sector


The present study investigated the organizational environment of the public sector which put female leaders at a disadvantageous position. More specifically, we hypothesized that leaders in general would evaluate the anti-female organizational environments stronger for the government organization and the public enterprises than for the NGOs and the universities. We also hypothesized that female leaders in the government organization and the public enterprises in comparison with the NGOs and the universities, would perceive the organizational environment more at a disadvantage for females than male leaders would, and perceive their psychological strength as well as leader effectiveness lower than male leaders would. To investigate these hypotheses, we asked 319 leaders (females 138, males 181) in the public sector (i.e., the government, the public enterprises, the NGOs and the universities) to fill out a survey questionnaire. The results demonstrated that in general people evaluated the anti-female organizational environment in the public enterprises stronger than in the other organizations. The results also showed that in general female leaders evaluated the organizational environment for females more negatively, their power/status lower, self-esteem as well as collective self-esteem lower and their effectiveness as a leader lower than male leaders did. Furthermore, these gender differences were the most prominent in the public enterprises. These results were discussed in terms of theoretical as well as practical implications.

female leaders. public sector, organizational environment, psychological strength, leader effectiveness, 여성 리더, 공공부문 조직, 조직환경, 심리적 요인, 리더십 효과성



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The Korean Journal of Woman Psychology